me n sophii

me n sophii
we are awsome! XD

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Audience Feedback

For the audience feedback, we will be asking one boy and girl of the similar age to watch the film. The two people will be Emma Richards (who co starred in the miniature production of the opening sequence to "Re-Incarnation: The List) and a boy. For the boy there are four different possibilities. They are...
  • Daniel Lee Wood
  • Andrew Scott
  • Jake Crewe
  • Bruce Astill

At break, we will be asking these boys to see if they would participate as it would be against the law and legislation's to make them participate.

For the audience feedback we will be asking two people to watch the opening to our short production. Then me and Sophie will be asking them the following questions and ask them to elaborate on them. The questions are...

1. What did you think of the opening sequence?

2. What would you say the age range is and why?

3. If you seen this opening sequence on a social networking site like Face book/Bebo or on YouTube would you want to watch the rest?

4. If you could change one thing on it, what would it be?

5. What genre would you categorise this as?

6.What are the strengths and weakness' of the opening sequence?

7. Any extra comments?

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