me n sophii

me n sophii
we are awsome! XD

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Fonts - New

As we have taken a new angle towards the intitial idea, we decided to rethink the font styles. As when you first watch a film, the audience are given an indication of the genre. The font style/type would give the film and the atmosphere towards the film before it had even begun.

This font style is called Slammertag, this was the font we was hoping to use in our other idea. This at the moment is our favourite font so far as it creates the effect that the title is scratched in and therefore also gives an indication of the genre and it gives an eerie atmosphere. Thsis also could be linked to the title from the film "The Ring" which is also another thriller that competes in the traditional and conventions of a thriller.

This font style, is called trading post bold, which is from the same website, personally I like this title as it gives more of a eerie start, the block capitals therefore giving the indication of a thriller, though it reminds me of the all time classics of films like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.

This is the final font, this font is called Cretino font. We thought this would be a good idea for a font as it gives an illusion that the film could be a re-enactment of an old style film lke a western or of a thriller that isn't very physicological.

Overall the font that we are going to use is ...

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