me n sophii

me n sophii
we are awsome! XD

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Intital Idea's

The intital idea is...

  • Plot- A flash back of a party in the background with 2 characters - a boy and a girl talking. For effects an idea would to be to experiement with sound to add tension. The boy and girl seem to get really close to each other. Then the flash back ends whilst there is a voice over and the blank back screen fades into a face that is nervous and telling a story. Then a flash back, back to the party where a pair of eyes look through the window. Then the sound of a heart beat increases as the camera goes outside and follows the masked guy. The door swings open and to add effect a loud bang is created from As the masked man comes into room no one seems to be paying attension. Then the masked man goes to stab the other boy who is with the girl. The knife comes towards the camera and there is a sound of metal going into someone and the shot goes black.

  • Then the title comes up and the audience is left to wonder about the possiblities. Then next shot is in the past and the girl and two boys are walking happy with the voice over narrating the story of the events that happened in the future. Thats wear it ends.

This is the title- it shows behind bars as a metaphore.

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